
Projective Peridynamic Modeling of Hyperelastic Membranes with Contact

Zixuan Lu, Xiaowei He, Yuzhong Guo, Xuehui Liu, Huamin Wang,

IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2023,, presented in CVM2023.

Links: [Conference version] [Preprint] [Tech Doc] [Demo video]

Virtual Fiber-based Constitute Model for Anisotropic Material Design

Zixuan Lu, Hao He, Di Wu , Xuehui Liu,

Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics (in Chinese), presented in Chinagraph2022

(Due to the copyright limit of a in publishing article, the author can not provide the preprint version yet. However, a conference poster is provided to summary the work.)

Links: [Poster in Chinese]

Mechanics of nonbuckling interconnects with prestrain for stretchable electronics

Zixuan LU, Liang GUO, Hongyu ZHAO,

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2021,

Links: [Publication]